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The idea of writing blog comes from the mind to introduce basic and simple concepts of various subjects like Accounting with Tally ERP, Microsoft Excel and various Programming languages at one place which helps to the readers who are daily searching for online content. Using the blog, students gets help for different perspectives of tally accounting concepts and problems. Similarly some objectives are provided which helps for certification exams and technical aptitude tests for the students who are seeking opportunities in higher education and jobs.           

Using this content of blog, we try to make to change the attitude of students towards accounting concepts. Accounting is useful subject to prepare financial planning of our day today problems. This blog helps to students in many perspective to collect the information and it is easily understood. It is also helpful for decision making during transaction in business as well as maintaining the tax of our own organizations.

This blog also focus on Microsoft Excel concepts in the objective format which are helpful for making records of daily transactions as well as doing different mathematical operations on it and these are helpful for daily routine in the form of making reports. The information of various feature of MS Excel are mostly applicable in the industrial area such as VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, Goal Seek Manager, etc. 

This blog also represents the various programming concepts in many forms like Multiple Choice Questions, Programs and basic syntax which is helpful for non-technical audience. Here We are introducing languages like- C Programming, Object Oriented Programming using C++, Java Programs, C # Programming, Data Structure Programs, etc.


 The main objective with our blog :

  • Examples of tally helps to track exact position of your business in the form of financial reports as well as what amount of taxes paid to be government from your business.
  • To give in depth knowledge of accounting with Tally, MS Excel and technical concepts.
  • Accounting should be used extensively in all areas like business for making decisions, government bodies, financial reports..
  • Students should be introduced to accounting which can be used for our financial planning in the form of day to day income and expenses.
  • If anyone need to contact with us then use contact from and email subscription. Thanks…



Our mission is to deliver simple concepts with clear and to-the-point content on a wide range of technical and non-technical subjects like accounting with Tally ERP software.

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