Category: Computer Basics

Main function in C | Structure of a C Program

main() in c

In Coding main function in c  programming is used. The c programming language basic structure is illustrated in below article along with details of each section.   Main function in C: In C programming when we actual start write actual code we have to follow some rules and structure. Like English language we have to […]

Debugging is | designing software

Debugging is

In C programming, debugging is done at every stage of program. While designing software all types of errors are checked and debugging is done.   Program design in C: We call it as different steps or set of instructions decided by the programmer before he writes the code in particular language. It is necessary as […]

Compilation process in C | C code compiler

Compilation is

The following article gives detailed information about compilation process in C program as well as C code compiler. Also it represents all steps included in compilation process in C. Compilation process in c: Compilation is nothing but the programmer write the code and check it whether correct or not with the use of programming language. […]

Flowchart diagram | Flowchart in computer

Flowchart diagram

The following blog includes basic information about flowchart diagram and flowchart in computer. How to draw a flowchart diagram and which flowchart symbols are used along with advantages and disadvantages are described in this blog. Flowchart: When you have an idea and for that you want to create any software application in a computer, you […]

Algorithm meaning| Complexity meaning

Algorithm meaning

The following scenario gives us basic idea Algorithm meaning and complexity Algorithm. All details related to the Algorithm and how Complexity of an algorithm is defined are explained in the following description. Algorithm meaning:  Why algorithm? To find and understand the basic idea of the problem. To find a way to solve any problem. Best […]

Programming Basics | Programming Language

Programming Basics

In this article we discussed about Programming basics and programming language. All necessary details about Programming basics, how it can be used  and what are the programing languages are explained here. Programming Basics:  Why Computer Programming? You have already used some applications like MS excel for data organization or for arithmetic calculations, but don’t know […]

Computer hardware and software | Hardware and Software difference

Hardware and software

In this article we focus on what is mean by Computer hardware and software, also we are trying to find Hardware and Software difference. On the basis of last article we are getting familiar with Computer Hardware and Software and its difference.   Computer Hardware and software: The first question comes in our mind is […]

Parts of computer system | Basic components of computer

Parts of comp system

The following article provides the basic information about parts of computer system, as well as it also explorer the basic components of computer. To know about the computer it is necessary to get familiar with parts of computer system.   Computer and Parts of Computer: Introduction of Computer: In last decade when we think about […]

Output Devices List | Types of output Devices

Output device list

In the following article we are discussing about the Output Devices List and Types of output Devices. This article helps you to understand the basic concept of Output Devices List and its examples. Output Devices List: What comes in our mind when we listen the word output? Output means anything results what comes from completion of any […]

Input Device List | Types of Input Devices

Input device list

In the following article we are discussing about the Input Device List and Types of Input Devices. This article helps you to understand the basic concept of Input Device List and its examples. Input Devices: When we listen the word input what comes in our mind? Input means anything what you given to anyone for […]