In the following article types of main memory of computer are described which is given as primary and secondary memory and CPU RAM along with their examples and characteristics. Primary and Secondary memory: When we make use of computer at the time we always think about the memory of computer. To do fast […]
Primary and Secondary memory | CPU RAM
Computer Basics
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In the following article types of main memory of computer are described which is given as primary and secondary memory and CPU RAM along with their examples and characteristics. Primary and Secondary memory: When we make use of computer at the time we always think about the memory of computer. To do fast […]
cache memory meaninglaptop rammain memory of computerpermanent memory of computerprimary and secondary memoryprimary memory and secondary memoryprimary memory is also known asprimary memory of computerprimary storageprimary storage devicesram is volatileram memorysecondary memory is also known astypes of memory in computer