Author: Admin

Physical Layer in OSI model

Physical layer in OSI

The following article provides all information related to Physical Layer in OSI model. Also it includes data encoding, synchronization techniques as well as components of Physical Layer in OSI model. OSI Layers: There are seven layers in this OSI model layer and each layer interacts with each other. In this the first and second layer […]

OSI Model Layer

OSI model layer

In the following article all the information related to OSI Model Layer are provided. All detailed description from OSI Model Layer establishment, protocol and why it is called OSI model is given here.   OSI Model Layer: What comes in your mind when you think about OSI Model? Do you know about OSI model? In […]

Modem router | Hard Disk drive

Modem router

The following article gives an information related to modem router and hard disk drive. The types of modem like external and internal modems which are used in the real time applications like colleges, government offices are explained in this blog.   Modem router and Hard Disk drive: Modem means when data exchange between computers is […]

CRT monitor | Portable monitor

CRT monitor

The following article gives an information related to CRT monitor and portable monitor. The types of monitor like all in type of monitors which are used in the real time applications like colleges, government offices, computer labs, IT industries are explained in this blog.   CRT Monitor: The information given to the computer with the […]

CD Rom drive | SMPS for PC

CD rom drive

In this article we provide information about CD ROM drive and SMPS for PC. The working of CD ROM drive is given in detail along with size and application also AC adapter.   CD ROM drive: Nowadays the era of floppy is gone and the era of CD has come. Because this is the way […]

All in one Printer | Floppy drive

All in 1 printer

The following article gives an information related to all in one printer as well as floppy drive. The types of printers like all in one printer which are used in the real time applications like colleges, government offices, computer labs, IT industries are explained in this blog.   All in one Printer: The information that […]

Network Scanner | Text Scanner

Network scanner

In the following article the concept of network scanner is elaborated along with text scanner. Network scanner are again divided with flatbed scanner and portable scanner. Work of web camera and for storage purpose pen drive are explained in this article.   Network Scanner :- Scanner works to convert the scanned information and its image […]

Client Server network architecture | Client Server

client server network

  Today we are going to tell you about Client Server network architecture in this article, what and how many types of network architecture as Client Server are there along with their advantages and disadvantages.   What is Network Architecture? Before the construction of any object, its structure is prepared, in the same way its […]

Computer Keyboard Keys and Their Functions | mouse keyboard

Computer keyboard

In this article all the information related to Computer Keyboard Keys and Their Functions as well as mouse keyboard are provided. Types of Computer Keyboard Keys and mouse clicks are included in this blog.   Computer Keyboard Keys and Their Functions:- Keyboard is the input device of computer. You can interact with the computer with […]

Types of topology in computer network | Star bus topology

Types of star bus topology

The following article provides detailed information about types of topology in computer network. In this description the types of topology covered is Star Topology, Tree Topology, Hybrid Topology and Mesh Topology along with advantages, disadvantages in detail.   3. Star Topology – In Star Topology all the computers are connected to the hub through cables. […]